Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Graeme Warring is one ambitious man who is looking at getting his stronghold on a global platform. He is one of the co-owners of the bright green Oz Experience and Kiwi Experience tourist buses. He has truly gone big as far as the bus travel business is concerned, what with his profitable operations in even places like Brazil and Fiji.

Straight2You sells entire range of genuine diecast corgi models.Choose from the wide range of authentic corgi models like corgi aircraft, corgi trucks, corgi Mercedes and many more.

None the less the toys industry soon caught his fascination even as he entered the toy making arena with the purchasing of "little boy business". Now this venture has turned out to be the most bountiful for Warring who is visibly a sharp and keen sighted entrepreneur. The global economic financial crisis changed a lot many things even as low priced toys are selling like hot cakes today.

Earlier they exported toys made in Philippines and sold them in the United States. But now the change in the financial times have resulted in Warring transforming the very nature of his business and even as they went from being a US company getting toys from Philippines to becoming a Philippines based company itself.

Since shutting his operations in the United States and starting things off in Philippines business has boomed big time for Warring. On being given an idea by his kids who became avid collectors of Webkinz teddy bears with secret codes which they used in getting access to online games, they advised Warring try something similar which should greatly boost the sales of their own “Little Boy Business”.

Then Sqwishland happened which turned out to be a phenomenal success and along with it the blockbuster Sqwishland website. Squishy is a tiny rubber figure which is sold at twenty five cents. The quality of the toys in the mean time is simply not compromised with. Over a period of time these sqwishys have become a rage in the US.

Straight2you sells diecast model bikes. You can get your favorite diecast model bikes here. Choose from wide range of diecast bikes like minichamps Yamaha, Honda, triump motorbike and many more.

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