Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Eco friendly Treefies toys are a big hit with the kids even as they are selling continuously going off the shelf in no time. These toys also combine online gaming and a kid may as well download a special personalized certificate from online for planting a sapling. The kids literally seem to love this even as the toys should be an absolute sold-out by the end of Christmas season this December.

The toys not only have a very high entertainment value but also great when it comes to satisfying a child’s’ educational needs and even the parents seem to be pretty happy with this.

Straight2you sells wide range of giant soft toys. We are trusted place for many giant soft toys like t-rex dinosaur, lora rag doll, sponge bob square pants, Winnie the Pooh Bear and many others.

The online virtual gaming as offered by the Treefies is also expanding with added features as well as further explorations to be done by children. Hardly six weeks post launching and the Treefies are already a big hit with the audience and have seen massive sales at a very impressive rate.

Toyofthedecade.com a teaser website was launched in September this year to enlighten people about the Treefies and at the same time also create some positive buzz. While now the treefies.com website is seeing a phenomenal traffic headed for it as more and more kids enter the site.

The treefies are a collector’s set of toys coming in ten varieties of animals. One may also download educational articles on animals, climate and nature which turn out to be invaluable as far as having an educational value is concerned.

Straight2you sells Forces of Valor military toys like tanks and aircrafts. We are trusted place for buying forces of valor diecast military toys like tanks and aircrafts of scales 1/24, 1/32, 1/72 etc.

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